
Landscape is not by chance see a picture of the artist’s soul. Looking at landscapes si Puzarina, involuntarily come to the idea, with some warmth, unique and original that the artist captures the heart of every nice temnikovtsa place. Serafim Ivanovich Puzarin. This name still remembers the older generation of citizens. Known temnikovets – children’s poet fn Bobylevv wrote of him: ” this man passionately in love with their creative work.

A man with a big heart, with a huge energy enthusiast. It is known that in 1922, Seraphim Puzarin graduated in the Penza Art Teachers College. And the 18-year old kid Komsomolets Puzarin was sent to the pioneering work on the pipe Penza Plant. Young enthusiasm, imagination, irrepressible energy were given to the education of the younger generation. Working with children was the main thing in his life, si Puzarina. But carried away by nature is unsurpassed Fibber, thin artistic taste and natural artistry were a solid foundation of immense and long love of theater arts. The first steps on the stage were made there, in Penza.

In 1923, Seraphim Puzarin played a role Wanderer’s Luke in the play Gorky’s Lower Depths. Pedagogical work and love for the stage forever define the nature of the creative work of this remarkable man. In June 1924 the permit Provincial Committee of the Komsomol Penza Seraphim Puzarin went to Krasnoslobodsk. In the role of instructor and organizer he had to create a pioneering units. Inspire, interest and arrange an unfamiliar – it’s not an easy one, a force of only an experienced, enthusiastic man.

Federal Centers

1968 Initiates it management of Caetano Baptist of Oliveira as Managing of the Agricultural Gymnasium. 1970 it Was implanted Methodology of Agricultural Ensino in system of School-Farm with the motto: ‘ ‘ To learn to make, fazendo’ ‘. 1971 the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the Brazilian Education becomes, in obligatory way, technician-professional, all the resume it according to degree. A new paradigm if establishes: to form technician under the regimen of the urgency. 1973 Was created it National Coordination of Ensino Agrcola (CNEA)? Dec. n 72,434.

1975 Extinguishes it National Coordination of Ensino Agrcola (CNEA) and creates it National Coordination of Farming education (COAGRI) with administrative and financial autonomy? Dec. n 76,436. 1976 First one visits to the Agricultural College of Is Joo Evangelista-MG carried through for Director-Generality of the COAGRI, Dr. Oscar Godofredo Lamounier Jnior. 1978 the Law n 6,545 transforms three Schools Federal Techniques (Paran, Minas Gerais and Rio De Janeiro) into Federal Centers of Technological Education? CEFET. Authorization of the functioning of the Course Technician in Farming, with beginning in March, level of 2 degree? It would carry n 17 of Director-Generality of the Department of Ensino Mdio (DEM) is approved the Internal regulation of the Agricultural Gymnasium of Are Joo Evangelista-MG? It would carry n 41? BS 03/1978.

It is initiated management of Jose Maria Milk as Managing of the Agricultural Gymnasium. At this time, the refectory started to take care of the pupils of other cities with coffee, lunch and supper. 1979 Alteration of the Denomination of ‘ ‘ Agrcola’ gymnasium; ‘ for ‘ ‘ Agrotcnica school Federal of They are Joo Evangelista-MG’ ‘ Dec. n 83.935? I GIVE of 04/09/1979. 1980 the globalization, new configuration of the world-wide economy, also reaches Brazil. The scene is of deep and controversies changes: the intensification of the application of the technology if associates with a new configuration of the production processes.