Imperial Russia

You can not build a palliative: a little from the practice of Imperial Russia with the Orthodox (regiment), individual priests and Muslim parts, a little (really) from the Soviet army, well, a bit of current – Russian. Will a hybrid similar to the "black sheep" of the order and principles contradict each other. 2. From reliable sources it is known that the protection of the motherland is seen as an exclusively "Russian business". Accordingly, implicit instructions determine the degree of trust and / or distrust, the possibility of career advancement, depending on nationality and religion.

This is especially true soldiers and officers from several republics North Caucasus. Ideological "pump" for future military officers in the Russian academies and VU is not devoid of xenophobic (particularly kavkazofobskih) motifs, which was not a trace of the Soviet military academies. Therefore, we believe that the roots of ethnic conflicts in the army to be found in the "heads" of officers, the ignorance and unwillingness to know and understand the psychology and culture of his subordinates in the inability to become real leaders for them. The phenomenon of "hazing", as a consequence of such failure, although there is another reason, as described below. 3. Why the army can not restore a full-fledged institute ranks, with the corresponding training courses, which existed until the 60s of the last century? That has since been gradually "bloomed" hazing, and vices of the current army.

Save on costly sergeants now the Russian army. 4. It is known that many recruits from the North Caucasus (Dagestan and Ingushetia, primarily) would be willing to serve and defend our homeland on the southern borders of Russia, to take account of their religious needs and statutory requirements would not contradict their (National) traditions of decent behavior in military units. According to these rules commander (branches, platoon, company) must be a true leader, mentor and fair in any case not to humiliate a subordinate; Junior (age) is obliged to respect the elder and the elder shall endeavor to be worthy of respect; task worthy men, must comply with title defender homeland; duty, cleaning, etc.

The Spanish

Antonio Perpina recognized: that countless cays and small islands are truly amenisimos orchards, oasis planted at the vast expanse of those waters populated with abundant diversity of fish, rich careyes and enormous cetaceans. (Are there) manatees amphibians, sirens or sea nymphs, described by poets, mammals fish, who held their cenicientos bodies by those banks, pick up fresh yerba with Security Pacific livestock to pasture. The magnificence and tranquility reigns in those solitary Islands; Islands inhabited by countless birds; birds that with its harmonious singing enliven the dense jungles and the greenery of the carpeted valleys. The Spanish chronicler could also appreciate the immense variety of corals and birds of which he catalogued sea of Silver infinity of islets, that which enchanted oasis, formed one hundred orchards; the Jardines de la Reina archipelago found dissimilar seabirds that ‘give life and animation to those solitudes. I remember numerous pelicans or pelicans of grandiose wings and monstrous peaks there formed an aerial revolution, and hurrying with racket to the sea to prey on the raised fish.

Among these birds, that currently abound in Las Doce Leguas, noted in the same way flocks of coconuts (Ibis Alba), plovers or actual Curlews (Numenius Longirostris), Flamingo (Phenicopterus ruber.)Lin.), Gracilotes or herons (Ardea Caerulea), hummingbirds, (its indigenous name is guani and acquaintances by zumzum or rezumbador.) They were those enromes forest the lonely country of thousand seagulls, which revoleteando us move around, gave the most poetic and embelesante aspect to the marine landscape. The charms of the cays, mangrove, seagrass and coral reefs, perhaps convert to The twelve leagues and to all Cohiba in the Jardines de la Reina, with an extension of 2 170 square kilometres, in a true natural wonder, provided, moreover, by high levels of bio-diversity and conservation, with more than 900 species of fish and plants 66. These Cohiba are a relative geological youth, since it dates back to the pleistocence. Complete fauna of the zone a mammal endemic Cuban capromis pilorides, known as the hutia conga, (the country’s largest rodent) species that moved a Cayo to, inexplicably, through the 150 kilometers that span the Jardines de la Reina baptized thus by Cristobal Colon. There are abundant sharks: hard head (Carcharinus falciformis), playful (Carcharinus perezi) and the whale shark (Rhincodon typus); no shortage nor the cubera (Lutjanus cyanopterus), the Bonefish (Albula vulpes), Shad (Megalpos atlanticus), halibut (Trachinotus falcatus), arigua (Mycteroperca poisonous), Mona (Mycteroperca bonaci) and guasa (Epinephelus itajara). It is one of the most important marine scenarios throughout the Caribbean. Declared Natural Park since 1997 by the Cuban authorities. Hotels in Cuba flights to Cuba original author and source of the article.

Airlines Companies

A little history of aircraft engaged in air transportation. Check air – the service is quite popular among all existing airlines. Information and mobile communication company with clients ensures a high Rating and attracting new people. Such services are particularly appreciated at this time. According to the sociologists, the majority of site visitors world-famous companies in the first place interested in the existence of such audits.

Therefore, professionals involved in developing and improving the web pages, take into account the needs of its customers. The latest trend is that the web, the availability of services tracking airline, began to exist separately from the official websites of airlines. What does this mean? Now the user who does not know the exact address of the firm may find its services precisely described by the usual reports. Make it simple enough: you only need to score a point in the search for the name of the airline and its services to you on the screen. However, the presence of companies such as UPS denies you that opportunity. The reason is the same: the presence of a single Registered portal. But! You can not just get all the information you need about this airline, but also ask the services of other companies.

The presence of a huge base – ace UPS. There are also companies that offer its customers a package of programs with the addresses of sites that provide services to air transport. Here is an example of one such package. MAGAVA LIVE TRACK – The most revolutionary product in today's global marketplace. The company's software allows each and everyone to get acquainted with all kinds of services known airlines. Order and track time in the air can now be online. TRACKweb – firm, which also allows users within a few seconds to prove the company's website, the carrier. Do not forget to give your chosen company the necessary documents for transportation of cargo. The list can be found at each Airlines! Article provided by Internet transport company 'Unicom Cargo': air travel, shipping cargo, air cargo, air cargo. We will hope that everyone who reads this article emphasize to myself that something useful.


The 21 Cologne SportTreff the motto “Outdoor and climbing” on September 24, the 21 Cologne SportTreff will take place at 19: 00 in the BRONX climbing Hall in Wesseling near Cologne. This time sports-savvy managers from industry will come together politics and sports, to exchange ideas on the subject of “Outdoor and climbing” and to pursue the discussion. For this discussion, which will be moderated by SportTreff organiser Hans-Jurgen Schmidt together with the actress and presenter Desiree Lamatz, already competent participants have found themselves: Udo Neumann, climbing coach and Managing Director of Udini MediWorks in Cologne and the head of the Cologne branch of Globetrotter, Klaus Weichbrodt, is Herbert Badi as Managing Director of BRONX rock climbing on the outdoor and climbing industry discuss. MACI, editor-in-Chief of the sports newspaper ‘outdoor market”on the discussion takes part as a fourth member of the group. “It is this time when discussing also the economic aspect of the founded”, says Hans Jurgen Schmidt. General will the industry said that it was her good despite the omnipresent crisis. “I can agree to only this view; the bran-che is excellent despite the economic crisis.

Who is climbing, hiking or mountaineering moch te, needs equipment for once. These facilities costs money and because manufacturers make of course,”Schmidt performs. Who want the opportunity to make new contacts or to expand existing and is incidentally the topic to deal with “Outdoor and climbing”, can register until 21 September at Sports Club-2. The BRONX Kletterhal le in Wesseling is located in the pre mountain 5. background: the Cologne SportTreff of Cologne SportTreff has evolved over the past three years to leading networking event in the field of sport and business. An average 180 ver responsible from media, business, sports and politics come to the monthly meetings. It but whatever people welcome that are just interested in the sport and interested in the varied topics. Press contact: SportTreff – Press Office Regina Owert Valentina way 39 50858 Cologne 0221 / 50294645-0221 / 50294649 Ziegs Kuchel Muller communication service Regina Owert Valentina way 39 50858 Cologne 0221 / 50294645

Give Children A Holiday

What to give your child a birthday? Toy? Book? New clothes? But all that he bought and on ordinary days what to do to remember your birthday child and his friends? Give your child a holiday! Of course, this does not simple. But we will be happy to help! Make the holiday a success be forewarned guests (no later than 1 week) Arrange for gifts. To make your guests do not wrestle, but you do not get unpleasant "surprises" better to negotiate with the parents of children invited, it would be better to give (and vice versa) Consider the scenario. Children's festival consists of: a) meeting the guests and giving presents b) bright greeting show-program) holiday table d) independent games kids g) leads guests guests spectacular greeting, photo session and the table are the four integral element of the holiday. That's one show in honor of the birthday child and make a holiday truly striking and important – individual. The duration of the show program depends on age: at an early age (1-3 years) – less than half an hour for the younger preschool children (3-5 years) from half an hour to an hour for the senior preschool age children (5-7 years) 1-2 hours Depending on the organization of children's Holiday Children's Table is significantly different from an adult. If the adults at the table to spend most of the time and a lot of eating, filling meal break in the conversation, the children's cooking beguiling little delights. .