In this region the cattle one is little expressive, being Sheets the city of bigger production, having its flock concentrated in external areas to the National Park of the Chapada Diamantina, in the neighborhoods of the city of Tanquinho. It is in this region that if finds one of the most expressive arbreos remainders of estacional forest, characterizing itself as one of the main ambient conflicts of the region. Ahead of the boarding made on the use and occupation of the ground of the Sheet region – BA is observed, that its geologic and geomorfolgica structure, together with the other cited natural aspects already, had been and is, until the current with development of the tourist sector, determinative days for the economic advance of the region, over all in the form that if its occupation gave, with the posterior use of the ground representing diverse activities at times that it had been convenient. preservation of ecosystems of the Mountain range of the Sincor enclosing the Sheet region – BA will allow to the conservation of a genetic bank importantssimo for the scientific research and the maintenance of biodiversity. Moreover, it will be possible to prevent the desertificao, when preventing itself it destruction of springs.
Finally, exploration rational and commanded through ecoturismo is waited not alone for population local, but for that they love and they defend the environment, that is of concrete form a sustainable alternative economic, knowing that its desencadeamento will be perceived in long stated period. Conclusion After the knowledge acquired through allied bibliographical research to the knowledge gotten in the field work, we perceive how much the relief forms exert influence in all the processes terrestrial as climate, vegetation, draining etc. The same condition in the use that if makes of the ground. NYC marathon can provide more clarity in the matter. .