Today we will speak of the communication way with the users of blog or Web site, something that can acerte prevail or fail in the businesses by Internet. This is really important, according to that way with which you communicate, your readers remained in your post, or simply they will go away. First, we will define the three forms leaders in communicating: Written Post? Video? Audio Surely you will ask yourself which is the best one? Each has its pros and their cons. Post written Pros fast Load, easy edition, possibility of inserting some images between the paragraphs, possibility of camouflaging publicity, possibility easy to make CATHEDRAL, possibility of inserting connections. The Contras Little dynamic, to some users they do not like to read much. Video Pros You can raise it several platforms (YouTube, Vimeo, etc), possible source of external traffic, possibility of dynamism (you can insert all the images that you want and it will not be loaded, you can insert audio), if you autofilmas you can mostrarte as you are to your users (forms of being, attitudes), you can explain more in detail without confusing your users. The Contras slow Load (to some users they do not like to hope to that the video was loaded and they go away of your post), can not work the video (or has eliminated that it, etc), are not possible to be included connections (directly in the video).
Audio Pros the users can listen to your voice, you can explain more in detail without confusing your users, the users can escucharte while they realise another activity. The Contras slow Load (to some users not like them to hope to that the audio one was loaded and they go away of your post), there are times in which it is not possible to be listened directly from the Web and is necessary to unload the file of audio, cannot be included connections, difficult explanation to your users if you want that they go to some URL. We already saw the pros and cons of these three ways of comunicarte with your users. In next post we will see which is the one that more agrees to use. I remember to you that you can leave to a commentary saying what is the way (or ways) with which you communicate with your users in your blog.