German Patent Office revokes wordmarks approval decision by January 15, 2010 the UNION German NATUROPATHS e.V. (UDH) is followed with the trademark Department of the German of patent and Trademark Office an opposition of the Federation, to allow the term “inner world tour” as a word mark or to protect. Namely, that had tried Bernd Joschko, which belongs to the so-called Group of “synergists”, in January 2008. While he took to claim to obtain the term that stands for a human ability to impose a word mark and all ownership rights to. The German Patent Office confirmed his time even the term “inner world tour” as a word mark under the number 307 59 285.5/41.
The UDH tested therefore numerous experts, how they appreciated this word mark in terms of content. It was the unanimous opinion that the entry of this word mark contrary to all common sense and that this word, which is composed of the words “inside”, “World” and “Travel”, not your own invention or neologism could. The UDH this managed to enforce a deletion process of this wordmark. For the profession of the practitioner, a brand licensing of this word would have meant an unacceptable restriction of the exercise of his profession. But there are also numerous doctors, or similar therapeutic working with processes such as autogenic training, hypnosis, NLP, Kinesiology, systemic constellations. All these techniques work with the images, people produce themselves, inside her. This is an ability of the human brain that we consciously or unconsciously carry out every second.
Read a book, when looking at a picture, listen to music or at each prayer, images show up in us. Images accompany us day and night. His success with images visualized an athlete, an artist imagines his creation. Because it belongs to the human brain, the visualization is also an integral part of many therapies. Also chiropractic techniques such as the “osteopathy” used and uses the imagination. Even in psychotherapeutic practice such as the Hypnotherapy, relaxation, autogenic training, Kinesiology or systemic consulting is working with inner images. Any imagination is a journey into an inner world, an “inner world travel”. “We think absolutely important that such term common good is it given the many colleagues who work with interior images”, says Monika Gerhardus, President of the UNION of German HEALERS. “Imagine – again, an”inner world tour”- that appropriate patient therapy methods in a brochure or on the website of a therapist should be explained. Then, the word “inner world tour” will no longer be used without permission. A true source of funds for the owner of the logotype!” The Union German Federal Association is a trade association for natural remedies and the advocacy for nationwide over 5,700 members naturopaths (UDH). The UDH is one of the two greatest naturopath associations in Germany.