New York

With the cast of attitudes above, I think possible to interpret the identity of the personage and its characteristics, values social, trajectory, emotions and relations human beings, center of the quarrel that I consider in this work. ANALYSIS OF THE PERSONAGE Many are the cases that we know of mothers who transfer its frustaes to children. In the case, it is the incessant search of victories and headings of the tennis matches. What we need to argue is if we will not still more create a frustrate woman who the proper mother. Logical, we are speaking of fiction, but still thus, it serves for analysis.

A famous film, Black Swan, very possess a similar plot to the one of the novel of the Globe. A dedicated dancer in New York, deferred payment with the former dancer and mother, pensioner for a pregnancy. She sings to sleep, the dancer, she tries through the spectacles to surpass the oppression imposed for the mother who projects in it the frustration of a precocious retirement in pregnancy virtue. Of certain form, the film compares relations between personages and current society. the transference of the mother for the son. It wanted that the son fsse, what it was not. Dedicated, expressive, shining, disciplined and that to leave itself to lead.

Psychology understands such process as defense mechanisms. The superprotection flame of reactive formation. The alleged loss of the son for a son-in-law and a granddaughter is treated as negation, after to have dedicated its entire life to the son. BUT AFTER ALL, WHICH RELATION NOVELA/PROFESSOR PUPIL When attending chapters of the novel the Life of People, I noticed diverse similarities with the contents given for the teacher Denise Quaresma. There, as here, the phenomenon of the transference makes it difficult relations human beings. But before more nothing, let us examine literature to appraise the transference.

The Act

Vygotsky (1998) still tells on the paper of the toy, being a support of the trick and the toy having a great influence in development of the child, therefore the toy promotes a transistion situation enters the action of the child with object concrete and its action with meanings, thus we will see throughout the article. Still according to Kishimoto (2002, P. 21) it tells that ' ' Vocbulo felt toy cannot be reduced the plurality of of the game, therefore conota child and has material, cultural dimension and tcnica.' ' The object toy is a support of the trick, is the action that the child plays when playing. Thus we can conclude that toy and trick this related directly with the subject child/and are not confused with the game in itself. Get all the facts and insights with New York Museums, another great source of information. 2.1 THE PAPER OF PLAYING IN THE INFANTILE DEVELOPMENT Vygotsky (1998) accents the paper to the act to play in the constitution of the infantile thought, therefore it is playing, playing, that the child discloses its cognitivo, visual, auditory, tactile, motor state, its way to learn and to enter in a cognitiva relation with the world of events, people, things and symbols. Still we can say that the act to play happens at definitive moments of daily the infantile one, in this context, Oliveira (2000) points the act to play, as being a humanizao process, in which the child learns to conciliate the form trick accomplishes, creating more lasting bonds. Thus, the children develop its capacity to reason, to judge, to argue, of as to arrive at a consensus, recognizing how much that is the important one to give beginning to the activity in itself. Playing if becomes important in the development of the child thus the tricks and games that gradual go appearing in the life of the child since most functional until the ones of rules.

Italy Capital

Moscow is shrouded by smoke from incinerators recently around the world there is a tendency to reduce the amount of household and industrial waste. The garbage crisis in Italy has once again made clear how urgent the problem for humanity. Thinking about it in Russia. By 2012, the authorities of the Russian capital plan to halve the amount of waste in Moscow to be landfill. For example, planned to reduce the disposal of municipal waste in landfills of non-residential sector from 81% to 20-38% of solid waste and bulky waste from 80% to 27-37%, and the waste of health facilities from 99 to 8-12%.

In addition, the Russian capital in the near future will be one of the world’s centers of incineration, as soon in Moscow will have six incinerators in addition to the already existing four. And it threatens the capital of the deterioration of the environment, so as incinerators every day into the atmosphere will be disposed of 60 million cubic meters gas from the combustion of solid waste. The flue gases of waste incineration plants, even under current emissions standards, rich in harmful substances – heavy metals, dioxins and furans, sulfur oxides and nitrogen, which is very negative impact on the health of citizens and guests of the capital. In Russia, marked the International Day for pups on March 15 in Russia, as in Most countries in the world marked the International Day for pups. In many countries in that day there were demonstrations and pickets against the killing of pups – pups. And, as a rule, look demonstrators had been sent to Russia – the only country in the world, where not prohibited by such a mass murder and inhumane seal pups. Because of its beautiful white fur tens of thousands of pups are killed on the White Sea coast in the Arkhangelsk region.

It is in this region of Russia is a massive and bloody trade. Killing pups is very cruel: pups beaten to death with iron clubs. previously reported on took place in late February and early March, stocks and pickets in protect pups. Last week, the Karelian Humane Society held in Petrozavodsk Decade in support of pups. But, unfortunately, numerous and regularly held shares and the pickets did not solve the problem fundamentally pups way. This problem should be solved at the highest level. But last week the State Duma postponed the discussion on the slaughter hunting pups. In the meantime, environmentalists and activists to protect animals continue to collect signatures in defense of pups. Since March 12, Deputy Rosprirodnadzor Oleg Mitvol received a collective appeal to ban people catch young harp seals (pups), under which their signatures to put more than 335,000 Russians.

Adriana Partimpim

The child and the poetry: In the poetry of Flag, she has the playful touch, the mood, the involving musical rhythm, the lyricism and clarity of language. The poet constructed poems that evoke infancy, involving street tricks, associating music to the situations amused of the daily one. This joint of the poetry with musical rhythm also is a way that it used to remember and to value the folklore and the coloquial language. NY Museums oftentimes addresses this issue. We know that the children of the present time, with the technological advances and the rapidity of the information, they coexist different images in the daily one through the diverse literal sorts, that circulate in the society. However, they need the visualization of images to awake its attention.

The poetry, so sensible and subtle that becomes difficult to penetrate in this infantile universe, dictated for the media, the speed and the racket of this world contemporary. An unjust competition becomes, if to lead in consideration that stops reading poetry, the pupils need to be calm and intent in an adequate environment. How to obtain attention of the children, where the image and the racket are everything in the present time? An alternative to stimulate poem reading, in the children, already has much used time for the publishing market, appeals is it visual the book, a harmony between text, illustration and the graphical project. Another very interesting option that the crianada one likes is music; we can exemplificar with the DVD of the Adriana Partimpim. The image does not steal the scene of the poetry, for the opposite, enriches the text and awakes interest and taste of the child for the act to read and to hear. still, based in the estimated ones of Walter Benjamin: The child writes inside of the image. Therefore, it does not limit itself to describe images: writes it them and scribbles ….

Personal Success

How to achieve the objectives? The first step is to define where are going, what you want, your dreams and everything that you crave. By absurdity that seem, for many people there is no more than the routine, with few variations, and end up turning off the fire, the passion and the enthusiasm with which started their lives. If ask it, for example, why are you going to work today? Answer: Because I need to eat and pay the rent. In a world that offers thousands of opportunities, more than 95% of people will rise tomorrow to go to work, to have with what eating and being able to follow so live, for then get up the next day, go back to his job and continue with this vicious circle. Personal success begins with a pencil, paper and your decision to write and draw up a plan of action, which is nothing more than the map that will lead you on your way towards the Summit of success. You spend some hours on it; the time that you use in this exercise will be the best investment you’ve made in your life. The first lesson in your road to success, is to discover where you’re going. This is, without a doubt, the most important question that you have to make yourself.

The response must be clear and accurate because if you don’t know where you’re going how develop a plan that will allow you to get there? Ask yourself: where would like to find yourself in five or ten years and what would like to be doing? What kind of work you’re playing? Where you will live? How will your House be? What kind of car you will have? What sport or recreational activity want to be practicing? What new skill crave acquire? What kind of community activities you want to participate? Where you long to travel? What activities you would like to enjoy the company of your family? Once you’ve answered these questions: prepares a list of everything what you want to achieve in the short and long term. It includes material, professional and spiritual dreams. Write what you’d like to be your achievements in twenty or thirty years. You think that you only have ten years of life. Write what you want to achieve in that time is yours and how invertirias it. Or simply write: He here a list of everything you would like to achieve with my life if I had the money, time, talent and the support of my family in a way ilimitada. Your dreams are the force that motivates all your actions; they are the reason why you get up in the morning and go to work; they are the fuel that keeps agile your walk, give you energy and discipline to develop new habits you need to acquire to be successful. Already started your path to personal success and don’t let anyone steal your dreams!

World Wide Web

Web-distance training classes, conferences, seminars, business games, labs, workshops and other forms of training sessions conducted by means of telecommunications and other opportunities the World Wide Web. For Web classes, specialized educational web forums – the form of users on a particular topic or issue with record retained in one of the sites installed on it the appropriate program. From chat sessions web forums is a possibility over the longer (many days) and asynchronous nature of the interaction of students and teachers. Teleconference, usually held on the basis of lists via e-mail. For educational teleconferences characteristic achievement of educational objectives.

There are also forms of distance learning, where learning materials are sent by mail to the regions. Online-seminar-type of web conference, holding online meetings or presentations over the Internet in real time. During Web conferencing every izuchastnikov is at his computer, and communication between them is supported via the Internet through downloadable application installed on the computer of each participant, or through Web-based application. Of course, distance learning system is also not ideal. Firstly, there are difficulties in determining the individual student.

That is, it is impossible to verify, whether the test passes our student or someone in him. But as a solution to this problem, some universities have introduced distance education and mandatory full-time session. Secondly, is that the quality of the Internet is insufficient to establish a seamless communication between student and teacher. Third, distance learning courses contribute to the fact that direct contact between student and teacher lost. Distance learning is perfect for those who living in remote areas, as well as for those who for certain reasons can not attend full-time training. In addition, the undoubted advantage of distance learning courses via the Internet is that the learner can choose what time of day it is more convenient to deal with, and to determine for itself the length of individual sessions. The student of distance learning has no hard timetable, but all the nuances can always be solved in the fastest way via e-mail, Skype or icq. In addition, there is an opportunity to talk with the teacher on-line and ask all the questions on a particular subject. Passing learning, distance education can not worry about that any assessment will be delivered 'with passion'.

Languages Of North America

Astonishingly large number and variety of indigenous languages of America, which existed in those days, when Columbus discovered the New Land. Most of these languages exists today. Some of them used to communicate a very small group of people, while others (like the Navajo and the Sioux) are used extensively by American Indians. Languages of North America are divided into separate language families, which had clear differences in phonetics, grammar and vocabulary. The composition of some of them contain a large number of languages (siuanskaya, Algonquian, Athabaskan family), there are families in which there are very few languages and dialects, there are some comprising only one language.

If you rely on pauellovskuyu classification, which is divided by languages north of Mexico, we can say that there are no less than 55 language families that are common to North America rather uneven. Languages of the 37-households distributed in the basins of the Pacific and the 22th of them – on the Pacific coast. 7 language families include the Atlantic coast. Languages 10 families use of residents of the Gulf Coast and lower Mississippi regions. The most common are the Eskimo, Algonquian, Iroquois, muskogskaya, siuanskaya, kaddoanskaya, Shoshonean, Athabaskan and Salishan language family. In the Eskimo group includes Eskimo dialect, common in the eastern part of Greenland and Alaska to the southern Cape Dzheneva located in Siberia and the Aleut language common in the Aleutian Islands and Alaska. By the Algonquian language group is the set of languages and its distribution area is quite large.