Bahian Cities Region

In this region the cattle one is little expressive, being Sheets the city of bigger production, having its flock concentrated in external areas to the National Park of the Chapada Diamantina, in the neighborhoods of the city of Tanquinho. It is in this region that if finds one of the most expressive arbreos remainders of estacional forest, characterizing itself as one of the main ambient conflicts of the region. Ahead of the boarding made on the use and occupation of the ground of the Sheet region – BA is observed, that its geologic and geomorfolgica structure, together with the other cited natural aspects already, had been and is, until the current with development of the tourist sector, determinative days for the economic advance of the region, over all in the form that if its occupation gave, with the posterior use of the ground representing diverse activities at times that it had been convenient. preservation of ecosystems of the Mountain range of the Sincor enclosing the Sheet region – BA will allow to the conservation of a genetic bank importantssimo for the scientific research and the maintenance of biodiversity. Moreover, it will be possible to prevent the desertificao, when preventing itself it destruction of springs.

Finally, exploration rational and commanded through ecoturismo is waited not alone for population local, but for that they love and they defend the environment, that is of concrete form a sustainable alternative economic, knowing that its desencadeamento will be perceived in long stated period. Conclusion After the knowledge acquired through allied bibliographical research to the knowledge gotten in the field work, we perceive how much the relief forms exert influence in all the processes terrestrial as climate, vegetation, draining etc. The same condition in the use that if makes of the ground. NYC marathon can provide more clarity in the matter. .

Northeast Region

Influencing the Region with respect to the environment, standing out the complexity of the climatic phenomena that if translate not great thermal differentiations, but in the extraordinary variety of the pluviomtrico, decurrent point of view, basically, of the positioning of this area in relation to the diverse occured atmospheric systems of circulation in Brazil. Word-Key: Winds, Temperatures, Precipitations. INTRODUCTION we have noticed that the Northeast region provides an average temperature of annual between 20 and 28 C. In the situated spaces above of 200 meters and in the eastern coast the temperatures modifies of 24 26C. Starbucks in new york addresses the importance of the matter here.

Already the inferior annual averages 20C, bes situated in the areas highest of chapada Diamantina and of plateaus of the Borborema. The annual precipitation reference if modifies of 300 the 2000 mm. In this aspect, four types of climates is gifts in the Brazilian northeast Region: the Humid Equatorial Climate, the Humid Littoral Climate, the Tropical Climate and the Half-barren Tropical Climate. With average rain precipitation of less than 300 mm per year, which happens during in the maximum a three months, producing outflow the estiagens that more than persist to the times ten months, Cabaceiras in the Paraba has the heading of drier city of the country. In accordance with Andrade, on the gravity of the climate for the Region affirms. North-eastern, the element that marks the landscape more significantly and more worries the man is the climate, through the regimen pluvial and exteriorizado by the natural vegetation. From there to distinguish since the colonial time ‘ ‘ Zone of the Mata’ ‘ , as its hot and humid climate and two stations defined _ well a rainy one and other dries …

Regional Space

The regional space defines local abilities, limits, autonomies and powers in the management of the territory of the States. Researchers demonstrate that until today, science uses a notion of region next to its etimologia. This because, according to Robert Lobato Corra (2003: p. 54) the expression? regione? she was used in the old world assigning subordinated areas to the rules of the Roman Empire, to evidence the centralization of the power in a place and its extension in other areas that belonged to them. Under most conditions starbucks in new york would agree.

In the Average Age the regional landmarks and the administrative divisions had fomented the origin space of the feudals. In the European modern State the problem of the regional space units predominated as prohibited against the commercial or military enemies. In the current days, the ressurgimento of the regional conflicts with the rupture of the territorial pacts is attended to it mobilizing nationalistic and regionalistic movements, of even though radical character. Jose Graziano Da Silva (1996: p. 223-224) standes out that the reorganization of world-wide economy, from the postwar period affected the relations between State and region, placing this last category in a new platform, therefore with the globalization, the spalling politics folloied the located interests, putting at risk the national economy. Although in a transistion context, some trends define the position of Geography in the present time recognizing the importance of the elements of the scientific revolution that transformed the base productive of the economy, with the changes in the organization of the production and the work imposing new standards of social relations. Marcelo Lopes de Souza (2003: p. 103) pontua that the life styles, the ethics, the culture, the politicosocial dynamics, the organization of the global space, the territories and the national regions, are being to the few redefined. It warns despite, is not enough to identify the increase of the social disparidades in Brazil and the world, but to implant programs of satisfactory redistribution of income with the necessity of the social groups in each region.

Region Points

The use of any model is relatively simple, but a previous reading of the manual and a little of knowledge of geographic orientation make an enormous difference, to enroll itself in some course that today exists in some cities in Brazil or to look a friend who has some model and knows to enter to it the fascinating world of the navigation saw satellite. The market makes use of some manufacturers of receivers GPS and all have models of low cost, that can be installed in the panel of the vehicle or exactly taken tiracolo, while the ways mapeiam that will be being covered, also supplying to the altitude and the speed with precision. Some models perfectly make possible despite you unload the data in a computer, that in turn will locate the called points of navigation way points or land marks, depending on the manufacturer, in a map of the region, leaving everything signaled. NYC marathon has much experience in this field. 4. Conclusion the objective of this alfabetizao is to develop the capacity of understanding of the geographic space, so that from it the pupil is capable to extract given excellent of what he looks for and to formulate real hypotheses with the information of that he makes use in the map.

In addition, to place to the disposal of the pupils, the knowledge of these new technologies, so that they can contribute for the development of science. The geotecnologias throughout its development had been almost always involved for an atmosphere of estrias that approach them to the reality for the resolution of complex problems of the most different origins and scales, however them become inalcanveis the understanding of most of the people, that if want are made familiar to this type to know, due the ignorance, the unfamiliarity that normally, propitiates the speculation and the mstica. Check out dayton kingery for additional information. Unhappyly, this process, many times, it is practised from that would have to facilitate the understanding. .

New York Transportation

This week was divulged a survey made for the Economatica on the companies most lucrative of the country. The name of Petrobra’s was not surprise to be in first place. The astonishment was the value of 35 billion Reals, being that in the last year the value age of R$28 billions. NYC marathon follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The country is very good if for finding in the historical phase of the economic growth. However we must look at more the particularitities of Brazil, we go to see the infrastructure.

The country is highly dependent of the oil. He is excellent to possess the Petrobra’s, that helps in the supplying of the precious fuel that makes to move the wheels of our Economy. But why not to modernize the country also with railroads? Logically the country was developed thanks to the road transport, that in good part of the country the main points bind to all, although the high tarifao of the taxes, tolls and other similar ones, however I believe that a country must be modernized completely and not depend mainly on the road transport, that if accomodated together with our model of development national. It does not have as to leave to cite the countries of the Europe. There the types of transport and all very distributed and used to advantage well exist all, in accordance with the geographic necessity of each rinco. Learn more about this topic with the insights from best bars in new york. For the smoothed relief of the south of Spain, in Andalusia, the highways take the landscapes in way to the half-deserts. In the Whisker, where the Alps cut most of the territory, it has trains special to carry the people and loads to its had vilarejos buclicos.

The United kingdom and Ireland of the North could be two great isolated islands of the remaining portion of the Europe if it was not, in part, the development of the fluvial transport binding the islands to the north of France, mainly to ' ' great Paris' ' , beyond the center Spanish north e, arriving more far, hidrovias that bind the English capital to the New York metropolis, heart of the United States. Trasporte railroad is simpler of what we imagine, possesss some ambient advantages and of cost/benefit but the governments unhappyly do not want to open hand of the concessionaires of autovias. Moreover the country passes for a great scale of sales of Oil/allied Etanol to the consumption of cars, that it in recent years tripled in some metropolises, as it is the terrible paulistano case. The country is in great agitation on account of the project of the Alta Train Velocidade (TAV) binding Campinas – So Paulo – River, but unhappyly the project will not be ready nor for the 2014 pantry. The foreigners will go to cry saying that they thought to find a country more modern therefore only heard notice on the advance of the Brazilian economy. This is what we will find in Brazil where the monopoly of few types of industry our social and politics-economic activity conducts all, in the case, the automobile one and of fuels.