Improving Health

The main reasons of why the people want to lose pesoes because they will be seen better and they improved his health. Both would have to be sufficient to give all the motivation him that needs to adopt healthful nutritional habits and to realise regular exercise. Nevertheless, in case it feels the necessity of an extra motivation, I was with 5 additional reasons for the loss of weight. Its greasy hill money To have overweight not only is bad for its health, but also for its banking account. The New York Times indicates, Kilos of means additional costs more. More info: starbucks in new york. In fact, the costs related to the additional weight can ascend to tens of thousands of dollars in the lapse of their life. It is enough with thinking about which could do with this money.

These additional expenses imply majors medical insurance premiums of health and expenses. For example, an attack to the heart can cost more than $ 40.000. Other complications that also must to the obesity or the overweight can cost to him extreme of 5 digits. As the article showed, the people obese they accumulate less wealth during its life. At some time, it can less be a 50% than the thin people. To make more money The article of New York Times also indicated that the people with overweight have more difficulties to be engaged for the work and can lose the opportunity of ascents. This also contributes to its incapacity to accumulate as much wealth as the thin people if they manage to do.

An interesting article that I have read in Wall Street Journal Web paints a picture something more complex. It seems that the women and the men are dealed with different way. The article analyzes a series of studies that show that the very thin women make more money than those of normal weight.

Deputy Managing Director

Documentation as time wasters: new technologies should medical facilities relieve Bochum/Hannover, March 4, 2010 – hospitals want to get rid of giant paper mountains, which are incurred in medical everyday life. X-ray images are no longer as a sheet but displayed on the computer screen, for the selection of their lunch time no cross patients make more on the traditional ballot, instead wishes directly in a small computer stored patient records are digitized and the classical archives shrink to the size of a computer chip. It is technically possible that the doctor takes a notebook to visitation at the patient’s bedside, says Andreas Koppen Hagen, Deputy Managing Director and supervisor of the St. Josef hospital, Bochum, opposite the WAZ. In the hospital compound of Augusta-sick-Anstalt, this vision has become already a reality.

This also applies to speech recognition. In combination with other digital techniques, language computer would make a great contribution to save time. While no doctors have the ears in the stumble, when they hear words like Cholecystekomie (gall bladder removal), Benno Mann and other doctors at the Augusta speak these words into a microphone and the computer system converts the spoken report in a written form “, writes the WAZ. This leads not only to do this, that the results are faster, become a positive influence on the quality of patient care. The so-called transparency criteria could lead to a push for the use of new technology. By the end of 2010, all homes and care services by the medical services of the health insurance (MDK) should “be checked for quality.” Well to cut off, the facilities have to offer not only a high-quality care also the documentation about the care must be. It must be complete and comprehensible for the investigators of the MDK. The software POPs social supports nursing homes daily documentation.

Within the framework of the quality control module you will Transparency criteria illustrated and clearly presented. The nursing staff has the quality always in sight, risks are easily detected “, says Thomas Abdo, head of healthcare and security solutions of Aastra. The ICT provider sees itself in this area is with the software GRANDPAS socially well positioned, which introduced ap_home_de in Hannover, Germany from March 23 to 25 at the trade fair for care for the elderly (Hall 3, stand E16). The quality controlling of the system immediately recognizes the deficits according to the companies and presents them through a simple traffic light system. Every day, check the software automatically all transparency quality indicators and outputs a status message. Grandpa’s a proven for years software by Aastra for social welfare is social: it consists of various modules individually, each building or as a complete package can be used depending on the needs. The software is available for quality assurance, reduce red tape and perfect documentation. By the nursing staff the existing infrastructure to the Data transfer using the care services via telephone, cordless DECT phone, or touch screen NetBook, Tablet PC or Web pad can be entered. A subsequent documentation is dropped at the end of the shift. This staff can save up to 40% documentation time “, so the experience of old hammer.”

Saccharomyces Boulardii

The probiotic helps pathogens of intestinal infections to fend off infections of the gastrointestinal tract are widely used especially in the cold season. They are thrown most viruses, but also by bacteria and fungi. The infections are accompanied by annoying affects, usually but not further threatening and sound also came so quickly. This is true but not always, and certainly not if bacteria and fungi in the game. In such cases, specific measures should be taken, eliminate the causes and consequences of the infection. In addition to measures to eliminate the symptoms and consequences of infection, measures have proven in addition, contributing to the stabilization and recovery of impaired intestinal flora. Good experiences have been made with suitable probiotics.

Probiotics are viable micro-organisms, which recorded can have beneficial health effects in humans in large quantities. Some bacteria and the medical yeast of Saccharomyces are boulardii as probiotics. Is common to all, that are completely harmless for humans and occur typically as natural components of the physiological intestinal flora. Some of appropriate bacteria find widespread use in Probiotic yoghurts. Recently new insights were published for medical yeast, which show how this high-quality probiotic can help people to protect themselves from ill-making intestinal bacteria and fungi. According to these studies, Saccharomyces is boulardii able to repel pathogens in the gut directly or to weaken their ill be virulence factors.

These include dangerous pathogens from the Group of salmonella as well as fungi (Candida) and the intestinal bacterium E. coli. It can succeed, so, to prevent the occurrence of bowel infection by these pathogens or to mitigate the consequences of at least. Studies have shown a total of several hundred participants that Saccharomyces boulardii successfully can be applied to the prevention and treatment of intestinal infections, on a physiological intestinal flora brought out of balance are due. For the balance of the intestinal flora risk generally, if your own immune system is weakened. This can be the case preferably in winter or also due to prolonged stress loads. Also, there are special situations which can mess up a natural intestinal flora. To include first of all antibiotics, which kill off unfortunately not just the disease pathogens, but also the many small insects in the intestine. Not to be forgotten are also unusual food or abroad in countries of the South. In these situations, it is worth to the stabilization of the own intestinal flora and for the prevention of intestinal infections with pesky diarrhoea the probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii to access itself. The probiotic is available in capsules as afterbiotic. It is a supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of diarrhea that results from a disorder of the intestinal flora.


“The result of the work evaluated as ICP’s Managing Director Dr. Hans Beyrle: the film gives a good insight about the people who live and work in the facilities of the ICP group.” Is to see the film on the ICP web site (direct link the film.html), which is also the work of ADVERMA. Company profile ADVERMA was founded in 1994 by Franz Bohm as owner-managed agency. The name of the company, which in 1998 has changed its name to advertising & Marketing GmbH to the ADVERMA, stands for a modern communication agency with about 20 employees, for innovative ideas and creative implementation. ADVERMA between Munich and Ingolstadt in the well nearby Rohrbach has its headquarters.

In the age of modern information and communication technologies, it is sufficient no longer have a good product and simply want to sell this. More than ever the market by targeted marketing and advertising from exactly the profession of the pros of ADVERMA success. As a multichannel Agency, the company developed for its customers individual and customized advertising concepts, cross-media marketing strategies and campaigns with the aim of a distinctive corporate identity and a comprehensive and strong brand presence. The performance of ADVERMA range from classic printer testimonies about Web design to the iPhone app, and all from a single source and for the industries. So, the marketing and advertising agency helps already numerous and prestigious customers all over Germany and in the neighbouring German-speaking countries to greater market success. These include, inter alia: in Germany of the global construction and engineering group Bauer AG, Hecht Anlagenbau GmbH (Pfaffenhofen), the Collomix mixing and mixing equipment GmbH (Gaimersheim), ICP Munich, the machine rings Germany GmbH, the TopTeam home decor AG (Wolnzach) and Kempinski hotels. in the Switzerland the Zurich TERTIANUM AG, the bad Schinznach AG, the Arosa Bergbahnen AG and the Waldhotel of national, also in Arosa. in Austria of the engineering group Andritz AG in Graz. Contact: ADVERMA advertising & Marketing GmbH Manfred hailer conception, text/PR public relations Lilienthal 17 85296 Rohrbach/Germany FON + 49 8442 9678-35 fax + 49 8442 9678-68 E-Mail Internet

United States

In the conversation lexicon (Mayer), it was as Healing way described by Wohlbeleibtheit and obesity. It is the forerunner of the Atkins diet. Scientifically, the Atkins diet was little accepted because of cholesterol metabolism until a few years ago. Books: The cholesterol lie, the tale of the bad cholesterol by Dr. med Walter Hartenbach, Munich 2002 many new controlled studies provide evidence that this reduced carbohydrate diet is safe and effective. It is also cheap on the fat and glucose metabolism.

See also the source of the information: nutritional medicine by January 2008 the Logi method by Dr. med. Peter Heilmeyer, Medical Director, rehabilitation clinic uberruh, Isny (offprint) Nicolai Worm described this diet form in 1999. At the end of the 1990s the Logi pyramid was presented by Prof. David Ludwig of Harvard University. Name: Logi denotes low glycemic index. This is a form of food with a low glycemic index (GI).

Logi diet is a low-carbohydrate diet energy distribution by: 20-25% carbohydrates 25-30% protein 45-50% fat the renowned nurse BBs health study in the United States has shown that a high fat intake does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. You says that the absence of animal fats brings a double stroke risk. Not the fat is fat, but many carbohydrates are guilty of many chronic diseases and obesity. The low-carbohydrate diet was also used as therapy in the treatment of epilepsy and cancer. The metabolic State achieved through this form of nutrition, called also ketogenic diet. See: Christina Schlatterer, Neue Zurcher Zeitung, February 13, 2008. She writes in its report that there is increasing tangible positive effects with sick people. The ketogenic diet is used since antiquity to treat epilepsy. What I want to say now here quite large: new medicines for epilepsy were discovered in 1940 and this form of nutrition was forgotten. The cancer researcher Prof. Dr. Gerd Birch Walter of the Institute of biochemistry of the University of Leipzig says that sugar is the motor of the cancer cells. On the website of the University of Leipzig, Department: Medical faculty, this doctor that indicates that an unprecedented change in the direction of carbohydrates was held by the industrial age. According to Prof. Bala Chandran (Leipzig biochemist), we don’t actually need this KH but protein and fat. He also says: the man would not from fat fat, but by the many KH. He recommends the reduction of carbohydrates as cancer screening. Thus, possible tumor cells would literally starved, he says. Source: patient information of the University of Leipzig, tumor cells can are literally starved Jutta Schutz

Carlin Increases

CARLiN direct sales, are in luck. The leading franchise of stationery in Spain has two franchisees more in the provinces of Huesca and Barcelona. The two new entrepreneurs that have opted for the Ensign, Jose Antonio Martinez and Diego Perez, believe that the facilities offered by the company to the franchisees represent a plus for business, since it provides a great support in finding suppliers, something that speeds up and simplifies our work, especially at the beginning, underline. Because things, the Huesca franchisee repeated experience, Martinez is now in its third location. I started with a store in Barbastro, but soon realized the great niche market that had and I set out with the opening of the store of monsoon.

We passed the 70 m2 from the first to 130 m2 the second, because we had small and given the success that we had, we decided to open a third franchise that has the same surface says. In the case of the Catalan franchise, Diego Perez says that he saw in CARLiN a huge occasion of business, and the fact of not having to start from scratch, or find a new idea. They offered me an opportunity to develop myself in a field in which I have spent many years working, being my own boss and with very well-established business bases. The new Aragonese local lies in the Teruel Street no. 16 in the town of Binefar, while Mataro shop is located in the street Cami Ral No. 508 and has 90 m2.

Both franchisees coincide in highlighting that what differentiates the Ensign are competitive prices, with a modern design and quality products and unbeatable infrastructures that facilitate day to day by the speed and resources that we provide on any problem that may arise. Meeting needs as well things, Binefar franchise includes the HP PRINT STATION, a space of reprography service and digital printing with the contact seeks to provide more breadth of service, and with which we want to achieve a differentiation from the competition, explains Martinez. A service that also You will get to the catalan local since its franchisee believes that it is something that is within the concept of CARLiN offer a model of modern stationery that puts at the customer service the greatest number of possibilities in order to cover all the needs of consumers says Perez. With this, CARLiN demonstrates that a time of crisis can also be era of opportunities. To start a new business, or as in this case, opting to extend one with which are reaping good results. Note to journalists: for further information, request interviews or graphic material do not hesitate to contact Mirian Lopez Nuria Coronado Tfno: 91 657 42 81 Original author and source of the article.