Suspension is allowed on some poles overhead of different voltage classes, with power substation to the consumers first category, the application of two single overhead lines instead of one double circuit is allowed with justification. With the development of distribution networks separate nominal stress should consider the following recommendations. At mains voltage 220-330 kV: use the network of one-and two-chain il 220-330 kV substation at a food with ol poodnotselnoy Duplicate supply the total number of intermediate substation shall not exceed three, and the length of an overhead line, as a rule, there should be no more than 250 km to attach to the double circuit 220 kV double-sided power for up to five intermediate substation. At the same time Accession ps are encouraged to take on a "bridge" or a block diagram (one or two 220 kV) to design a network of 220-330 kV external power supply of large and major cities using the principle of ring configuration. In the electricity supply system of these cities is recommended to provide facility for at least two 220-330 kV substation through which the connection to the network grid, and feed the il is recommended to lay on different routes. When you join a network of large and major cities to the grid is recommended to ensure minimum transit power flow through the urban network. Total number and bandwidth, linking network of cities with the power system, it is recommended to choose a view to ensuring food for urban consumers without limitation if you disable double circuit 220 kV supply, perform as a rule, 220-330 kV substation dvuhtransformatornymi. . .