Such thought dialogues in the stretch: But the arrival of the Europeans (over all Portuguese eespanhis) had as consequence, in the first times, what Vellard calls o' ' choque' ' biological of the conquest, that disturbed the daconquista selective way them aboriginal populations, introducing massivamente the embryos vindosdo old world. However, the conquerors had led obtain patrimniosgenticos capable to face this permanent threat that knew well. 7 These unknown illnesses had provoked diverse effect, amongst them can mark as more considerable in the vistademogrfico point, the death of hundreds of indians and for effect a despovoamento daregio. Then, of initial form we can perceive that geographically it had umimpacto considerable, because if the surrounding influence the same men and agemde reciprocal form stops with its half one, with the death of many indians, the ambientefsico will pass for many modifications, because these consumiamdeterminados indians types of foods removed in those territories even populated and it deformed that it took care of to the necessities of those definitive social contexts emque were inserted. Such thought talks with the ticket to follow: The native people of the Americas were exposed, throughcontact with Europeans and Africans, you numerous and multifarious adverseeffects.
Without doubt, the most drastic of these was to transfer you the newworld of hitherto unknown diseases, which manifested themselves in the form ofdevastating epidemics. It was, above all else, epidemic outbreaks that broughtabout the alarming drop in indigenous numbers (90 percent and lives and lives incertain marries) and the virtual depopulation of vast regions (Joralemon1982). 8 We must stand out that the indian did not remain passive aoprocesso of settling and was not great ' ' coitadinho' ' desseencontro, because since the beginning of the settling process, many tribosparticiparam of active form in the dissolution of others and had passed if beneficiarcom elapsing of the process, however, inevitably this meeting had its ladotrgico, because they had existed some vectors of transmission of microorganisms quevo since the animals that was brought in the boats with warlike objective, as the horse, until animals for nourishing ends as quemantm is the case of the pigs some infectious agents in its organisms, but do not reveal talpatologia.