Either way right? So it is when it happens, but this doesn’t really matter when we are happy to have 365 new opportunities be and do everything that we have achieved to imagine. Really I wish you all the success that this new year dear reader you is deserved. By my side only added to santoclos if brought me my Balaclava and that I look forward the day of Kings brand new pants that I asked them to be able to shout above the Bicentenciados of the bicentennial of the Bipolar bipartisanship. Antonio Andrade Rafael Lara Grajales Puebla original author and source of the article..
Month: October 2014
Goldman Sachs
“Goldman Sachs is a one of the world’s largest investment banks. It traces its routes back to 1869 and is headquartered in Manhattan, New York City. Goldman Sachs provides wealth management, investment banking, and sales & trading services.
In regards to the technology world, Goldman Sachs continues to invest heavily in this market.”
DEVELOPMENT the advance of the capitalism in the last few decades and the investments in the cities, with the populations searching access to the technologies had contributed so that, the campesina population was forgotten on the part the public managers as for the investments them public politics. What itself it saw in the second half of century XX, for the whole world was the sped up displacement of the campesina population abandoning the agricultural way, in search them cities deluded for the utopia of the best quality of life and the search of other activities and ways of sustentation, what is called of agricultural exodus. Ahead of this scene the concern of the Brazilian government grows to create one National Politics that takes care of to this group. Thus facing the difficulties lived for the agriculturist making possible in such a way the permanence of the agriculturist in the field thus improving its quality of life and its family. agriculture is historically, one of the main bases of the Brazilian economy since the primrdios of the settling until century XXI, evolving of the extensive cultivations for the production diversification. Initially producing of sugar cane-of? sugar, passing for the coffee, Brazilian agriculture is presented as one of the exporting greaters of the world in diverse species of cereals and grains among others.
Although this the Brazilian agriculture of the agrarian reform the forest fires; of the agricultural exodus to the financing of the production; of the escoradora net the economic viabilizao of familiar agriculture: involving questions politics, social ambient, and economic. Since its origin, Brazil possesss a great land concentration, first in the known system as sesmarias, that were valid up to 1822 and that it gave origin to the current large states. In 1850 the law of the lands was promulgated, that kept the system of land concentration in large state and that it remained up to 1964, when the dictatorship prepared the statute of land.
Hurricane is the name given to tropical cyclones when these eddies reach the Caribbean. The rotation speed of the wind around the axis of the hurricane can reach 300 km/h, speed exceeded only by tornadoes of the American Plains. The scrolling speed of the hurricane is about 20 – 30 km/h, and the effects on its way are devastating, dragging everything they find in their path. To cause a hurricane, the water temperature should be above 24 C. The size of a hurricane is located between 100 and 300 km, while that of an extratropical cyclone can have between 1,000 and 3,000 km in diameter. Moved on tropical liquid surfaces, the hurricanes will be increasing its size. To rain, the air heats up, it expands and rises, working Hurricane continuously as a heat engine while you have heat. If we draw a section, warm air enters saturated that it ascends and cools, condensing some of the liquid that comes with, and forming clouds in the vicinity of the Cyclone.
The center of the hurricane is called eye and can reach between 5 and 15 km. The eye of the hurricane is an area of very low pressure which is capable of picking up whatever is in its path, all accompanied by enormous rainfall caused by the large amount of moisture stored the hurricane as it passes through the warm waters of the Caribbean. These clouds may produce rains of up to 5 million m3 per hour. The duration of a hurricane can be several weeks and they may cause major flooding. While on the ocean will increase its virulence. When the hurricane hits the American Plains through the Mississippi Valley, leave receive the energetic contribution of the warm, saturated air, so Hurricane ends up exhausted.
The axis of the cyclone tends to lie parallel to the axis of the Earth. On dry land, it is cold and without moisture, loses the conditions for regeneration and it is disappearing. Other hurricanes, however, do not penetrate through the Valley of the Mississippi as it advances through the Atlantic coast, driven by the Gulf stream, located until 40 latitude North, reaching up to New York (of course not come already with the strength that had in the tropical zone, but they rather have degenerated into an extratropical cyclone). Some cyclones that reach Europe have their origin in them. It is noteworthy the fact of the periodicity of the formation of hurricanes. There may be several ai year hurricanes, but all of them occur in the same period, generally the fall of summer. Original author and source of the article