Sole heir be a serious blow to the two siblings is not difficult, in a community of heirs sometimes very: the beloved father died. Much is now. Funeral, authorities and also the distribution of the estate. Just one example of the beginning of an Erbfalles. Does exist a testament and the thoughtful heirs are to agree with the last will of the deceased, then a Division is simple and without consummating effort. But what if there is no last will? According to the media in each year the Federal Republic of Deutschlaned billions of euros are inherited.
By not always the relatives agree. Law firms engaged in estate disputes information effect to 25 per cent. Only every third citizens has created a testament for the case. In cases where a will exists, it can happen that this is contested by a party. When the remaining potential decedents no last will is left, so that the bereaved to the asset values in the form can take care of real estate and mobile. Conflicts be resolved through legal channels resulting from the aforementioned facts may be.
But it must not come. More and more legal protection insurance consider the instrument of mediation (conflict mediation) within your contractual agreements. This technique offers a way the parties inexpensively, quickly and agreed to come to a solution. The mediation phase of theme making clarification of interests development of solutions are well understand similarities for all parties involved and with the agreement, which sets a good foundation for the further development of the inheritance process. Ute Eichler, individual support and Consulting offers since 02-2007 mediations in the economic and private spheres, various coaching and training. With the slogan “See the future today”, the company indicates that a target-oriented solution is a component of its corporate philosophy. Ute Eichler individual Support and consulting phone: 0214-51552