It has who says that we women are the fragile sex. In my conception this definition of woman does not correspond with the reality. The women are masterpieces of inestimable quality, therefore God when he created them, created its image and in agreement similarity mentioned Biblical verse supplies. as can a being that was created to the image and similarity of God to be fragile? The woman has capacity to manage, to execute, to delegate and to charge the tasks pertinent it. They play the primordial role in the family who is to build the home. If the woman will be fool destroys, and she will be wise builds the home. This implies to say that the success of the family depends on the wisdom of the woman.
Important to emphasize that, the day created to commemorate the day of the woman appeared due to the constant manifestations of the women for better conditions of work. this was proposal at the beginning of century XX in the context of the Second Industrial Revolution, when the incorporation of the feminine man power in mass occurred, in the industry. One of the protests that deserve prominence in history was of 1908 in New York, where 15,000, 00 women had marched for the streets of the city having demanded better conditions in the work as the reduction of the horria load, better wage and the right to the vote. In result of this event, in 28 of February of 1909 the first International Day of the Woman in the United States of America was celebrated. The socialist Clear German Zetkin considered the institution of one day International of the Woman, who was approved in 1910 in 1 International Conference of the women in Copenhaga, directed for the Socialist International. In the following year to the Conference, in day 19 of March the first International Day of the women in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland was commemorated.