Gustave Flaubert

The sixth chosen story is The Legend of St, Julian the Hospitaller written by Gustave Flaubert. It is included in Discoveries covering the stage of Transformation, and a content of alternate theme Facing death s legends were brief narratives of the lives of early Christian saints, and Flaubert s title suggests that he is merely retelling one of these legends. It portrays the life in the castle, the church and the forest. The little boy has entered in an adventure, receiving the best education, and you donate not eats back. The rite of passage can be observed. His initiation imposes him long self-learning. Someone tells the story, like to storyteller, probably the author.

Descriptions of little animals provide certain innocent environment of the little boy. He loses the people he loves most. He tastes the adventure. Then, the passage is proposed. Quit It is hard you determines the acts, but it covers childhood, adult life and elderly acts. It obeys rules of transition of different phases, that Julian becomes ready you only assumes his last position, which is dying with the leprous disease. Julian is innocent and you donate not want you hunt. Animals and birds affirm it.

Metaphor All these presentations ploughs really reinforcement will be the process of his> the ending is Julian final s ark, in dreams, having the sensation he could see himself in this situation. That was exactly what happened with him afterwards. He has relation with the crime, and the necessity you preserves his soul. He his faces bird and man with wife. They ploughs all dead. Then, he has taken the decision you take the road leading toward you the mountains. Final The of the section is exactly the opportunity you be recognized. It is the moment you explain to reader, why Julian was supposed you be saint. His death seems only> exaggerated, the way the transcendental moment of God meets him, and justification of his mercy and benevolent behavior. In conclusion, technical general information about Archetypes can provide good support will be the Analyses of stories written by different authors and stages of the quest, it is observed in the proposed stories and comments all done. Works Cited Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook will be Writers of Research Papers, New York: Modern Language Association, 1988. Harold, Schechter & Jonna Semeiks, eds. Discoveries: 50 Stories of the Quest. 2nd Ediction, Oxford, 1993. Smyth, Lyle E.

True Stories – Passion

Invitation to a special reading reads invitation to the book reading in Leipzig, the Leipzig book fair, and we cordially invite you to a very special event. Written titled true stories of passion”March 19, 2010 at 20:00 in their offices – August-Bebel-Strasse 38, 04275 Leipzig a reading the Publisher core and Gerlinde Chahbani management consulting will present on Friday, special article five brave authors read from their exciting, autobiographical novels, which all together have one, the failed relationship with an oriental man. Anita Wasmundt presents her story in her first novel of the hypocrites from the Orient “. It is the true story of a marriage to a Moroccan, who had only his unlimited residence permit and financial benefits in mind. Relentlessly and open the author informs us about her life with a man who abused her for years for its own purposes. Evelyne core was with her bestselling sand in the soul”already through numerous television programs,. known as MonLisa SAT1 file CosmosTV, FrauTV, ZDF Volle kanne u.v.m.), many newspaper articles and their website

Sand is the tragic story of a German journalist, who is believed to have found the great fortune, in Tunisia but loses not only its entire Fortune at the end, but also in vain fighting for their rights in a misogynist country in the soul. Janine Nicolai describes in which luck wrote the Bill”their relationship to a Sinhalese. Because of him, she leaves Germany to follow the alleged great love for Sri Lanka. The pain runs deep, as there she realizes that she is sitting on a cruel lie. This book is brand new to the Leipzig book fair. Ursula and Katja Busch and are mother and daughter. They work together in the book back to Egypt”on the events of a fraudulent passion in Egypt. The novel is a settlement with the tragic events, but also a tribute to the land of Egypt, that the authors none of has lost its magic.

Posthumous Memories

(Posthumous Memories of Brs Cubas, p.152) Indirectly the reader is induced to reflect on estastemticas, therefore all these positionings ahead of the life adopted pelopersonagem always produce identification with the life of each reader. Brs Cubas the personage who exactly represents the inflexible and ironic judge of itself and dahumanidade, that makes in them to reflect on the life and the death, always contemporary. Therefore, the intention of the tragedy in Posthumous Memories of Brs Cubas is levantarcrticas concerning thematic social. During the development of the present work we perceive osdiferentes concepts that the tragedy received in the antiquity Greek, in the vision deAristteles, Homero, Sfocles in dipo King, as atragdia in Axe of Assis is characterized, in the workmanship Posthumous Memories of Brs Cubas. With baseno that was displayed, one concludes that the tragedy, independent of the concept, the same scienter teveem all thematic boarded: to display critical, you touch emotions of the auditorium (in the case of the vision of Aristotle on catarse dramatical naencenao) or of the reader, uprising questionings filosficosinduzindo the individual to reflect on varied subjects of the life; what variouapenas it was the context and the time.

In the present article we consider in to identify them to traces datragdia and its intentions Posthumous Memories of Brs Cubas of the autorRealista Axe of Assis. In this workmanship the manifest tragedy if of diferentesmaneiras, over all, in the personage protagonist Brs Cubas, a deceased autorque makes a retrospect of all its life marked for pessimism and revestidapor a succession of failures. We can evidence this in all the dimensions due of the personage: in the love, the family, in politics, in the attempt to create oemplastro, amongst other Fizemos this study on the basis of the diverse boarded concepts detragdia for Aristotle, Homero, Sfocles in its workmanship dipo Reie in the explicit machadiana vision in the workmanship. We arrive at the conclusion of that in Posthumous Memories of BrsCubas the tragicidade is revealed through the irony and in certain momentosadquire certain tone of mood, as objective not to make to laugh, but that it induces reflexo, used to raise some existenciais philosophical questionings sobredramas, reflections on the death, inherent memories of the oldness at last, subjects to all the human beings. The proper Brs Cubas, defuntoautor of history, is presented constantly ironic, however its irony is umaforma to purge the present pessimism in its person and this is explicit nofinal of the book when it affirms that he did not have children, did not marry, not to conseguiutornar politician, did not get success in its attempt to become celebridadeatravs applies a plaster of it that it invented. After everything this Brs Cubas ironiza all its life concluindoque the absence of these successes contributed so that it did not have infelicidadede to buy the bread with the sweat of its face.

finally it affirms that the life was quitecom, a time that this did not propitiate it great things, however it tambmno produced, did not give to great contributions it. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ASSIS, Axe of. Posthumous memories of Brs Cubas. So Paulo: Cultural money market Woman editor and Ltda Deliverer, 2007. YOU WOULD MAKE, Alyere. Prof. Dr. Jose Helder Pine. (Orienting) Federal University of Campina Great. Published in 2006. Available in: Access in: 04 of mai. 2009 COUTINHO, Massaud. The literary analysis. 11 Ed. SoPaulo: cultrix, 1999

In Portugal

According to legend, lived in the south coast of Italy. Possuam to the principle, corpode a bird with bust and face of woman, but with the time had changed suaaparncia. The half bird of its body was substituted by the tail of umpeixe.In the antiquity, seumito leagued the cult to it of deceased. This also moved and only they register it asesttuas of sereias in the tombs. In Portugal, of where in the lode the myth, hduas assignments for this mythical personage: in the coast of the continent, Sereia.E, in archipelago of the Aores, Sea Witch. In chapter XV, intitled the Big hole, the folclrico value of guae its universalizante symbology is directly on to the chapter D&#039 Mother; water.

Alice is arrebatada pelotorvelinho of water, and Mrio ' ' I descend I put in an upright position to the deep one of abismo' ' , fight imperious to remove it. Them they guassimbolizam the universal addition of the potentialities. Its symbolism implies amorte in such a way as the renaissance: ' ' The contact with guacomporta always a regeneration: on the other hand, because the dissolution is followed deum ' ' new nascimento' ' ; on the other hand, because the immersion fertiliza and multiplies opotencial of vida' ' (ELIADE, 1991, p.110). We are, at this moment, arrebatados for a photographic speech at the same time, imagtica pelabeleza; action e, for the veracity of the attitudes. Let us see the belssimapassagem: ' ' The estorcia boy inside d' water.

Its body to pareciaromper itself, as the back of serpe when if dilata to estringir the canine tooth. Aluta was indecisa. To times arrebatandoa was given credit that Mrio went to win, victim to the big hole; other times the boy lost the acquired advantage still more esubmergia. As this chain was sublime human being who if estendiadesde the border of the rochedo until the deepenings of the lake, with an imprisoned tip to the life, eoutra already welded to the death! These hearts that if made links of a chain, grilhados for herosmo, this livened up anchor, sustendo an existence you give to anaufragar, had to full of admiration and pride criatura' '.

Retail Five Steps

How loyal customers and active EMP errors win loyalty and not lack of consumption is the most effective weapon of the consumer. Because eventually everyone will want to buy something again or need, only wonder who! Customer loyalty is the most important and at the same time most entrepreneurial challenge of trade. But no plastic card and not yet so well-made customer loyalty tool can permanently retain today customers. The matching range is the base, a good site a must. And the most effective loyalty makers? Customer-focused sales assistants! Because loyalty is much more easily created between two people than between people and more or less anonymous company. Loyalty is more valuable still the most valuable trading by its customers can get, as their money.

Who switched on the wallet of customers, focuses mostly on the once purchase Act. Loyalty, however, is aimed at the voluntary loyalty of the customers on his continuing emotional engagement. This flushes not just once, but again and again money into the coffers: namely not only the money of the customers who like to repeatedly buy, but also the money people from their environment. Because who is loyal through and through, will be the Ambassador with missionary zeal and passionate telling good things about his favorite business – because it supplies him with good reasons. All this can not buy off the rack, but needs to be developed together with the employees. The following five points show the way. 1. first the basics: make a critical load check – viewed from the perspective of the customer: the storefronts are appealing? Is the entrance welcoming, spacious and brightly lit? Are the aisles spacious and free? Is the direction of rotation clockwise? The goods are neat and appealing placed? Are the Renner to handle – or eye-level? There is seating? Are all staff friendly? Is it fast and humorous at the box office? Thanked the staff for the purchase? 2.