Biological Treatment

In any sewage after mechanical filtration wastewater are biological treatment. This may apply biofilters or biofilter system using soil filtering mechanisms. System with a biofilter. Biological after post-treatment tank (septic tank) can be implemented in the biofilter. This is a fairly compact container filled with filter loading or filler. As the load can serve a variety of materials, importantly, that they were easy, hard and porous. For example, expanded clay, pozzolana and small stones. Filler particles are covered by biofilm, consisting of aerobic bacteria that consume organic matter.

Gutters served in the biofilter small amounts, and passing through the loading, clean. Attainable degree of purification is about 90%. Biofilter reproduces the same natural process of aerobic oxidation of organic matter, which occurs in the upper soil layers. Anaerobic processes taking place deep underground, are modeled in some structures of the soil or groundwater cleanup. In general, these methods are divided into soil reclamation and soil filtration. In the first case of sewage, freed from mechanical impurities in the sump shall be in an underground facility after treatment – filtering well, tape, or field of underground filtration.

Drains passing through through them, cleaned up and seep deeper into the ground, where the process is finally completed by anaerobic bacteria. When it comes to soil filtration, cleaning means the use of soil properties for purification of waste waters and their subsequent organized abduction. Runoff, as is the case with the soil absorption, are advanced treatment in special facilities – filter trenches, sand and gravel filters.


The educational system delayed that task when the pupil is large, but we believe that children must be involved from the earliest age. Children must be involved in activities that will make tomorrow’s today. Children who defer that task will do so as employees, not as entrepreneurs. The task that we do in our kindergarten is that children ask for a loan to their parents for that school to do a craft, which will sell between relatives, neighbors or friends. Children become familiar with raw, with tools, with costs and with the entire process of production of a craft, that way they appreciate the work and the most interesting thing is they learn all this as a game, this makes very funny.

Once the product is sold, the loan is paid and the rest is saved for investing in the manufacture of other crafts for the same purpose. Most of the adults are resistant to sales, many consider this activity as something demeaning, but in reality all we sell our talent or our ability to obtain resources to survive as optimal as possible. Children at preschool level learn all through the game, of the same way an economic activity learn it through play. If children today learn this activity with games, when they are large they do not oppose any resistance to work as entrepreneurs. We must remember that preschool age is the age in laying habits, usages and customs that will endure for the rest of the life of children. Many of the big millionaires learned this habit from small starting from a lowly and to become great entrepreneurs today. Many parents take their children so they can learn to read and write, but these are only tools to engage in life. The real motivation is to dream to be, do and have everything for a business world. This financial education in our kindergarten workshop allows us to conceive in our children to the major employers in the future, in spite of living in difficult conditions.