Classification Doors

According to the location in the building is isolated, such types of doors: exterior doors exterior doors and balcony doors, wooden windows with glass inner door entrance to the apartment door, or in other rooms with staircases and corridors interior doors cabinet doors to the outside door imposed requirements different from those for internal doors, as determined by the location of these doors in the building. Additional information at josh harris sixers supports this article. Exterior doors are to precipitation, fluctuations in ambient air temperatures, ultraviolet radiation, winds, etc. They must protect the interior from cold and noise. Consequently, the exterior doors must be sound and heat-shielding. Materials used for the manufacture of such doors and exterior, must be resistant to the above negative impacts. Another feature which must be performed outside the door (so same as the input to the apartments) – this confrontation unauthorized access to the premises, ie security.

By way of opening doors of distinction: opening doors, sliding doors, folding doors, revolving door. The best known and familiar – the door swing. They can be opened in one direction or in both, ie be swinging. Applied and both internal and external both. Can be glazed and dull. Such doors can be made from any material used for the manufacture of doors, and have any design.

Swinging doors can be, as a threshold, and without it. In modern designs of doors, the threshold is automatically lowered, which increases the noise and heat-resistant characteristics of doors. As we know, there are odnopolnye doors right and left.