Shameless Beautiful

‘ Shameless beautiful – German songs spanning five centuries, Berlin-Tempelhof, July 5, 2010 – the Berliner lives for 15 years as a fine artist in New York and has German folk tales of Grimm fairy tales dealing with installations. In her new project she is approaching the theme musically: I had no other choice. The songs work in me.” The concert and the CD are a special folk song interpretation. Tine Kindermann manages with clear singing the songs that deal often death and love in an earthy, poignant, but also straightforward way to recreate. The whole thing is then wrapped in remarkable arrangements by Frank London.

It enters a dark Volk”,”I have getraumet the night”,”it is a Reaper means death”, not for nothing these songs have survived the centuries. The special thing about this artistic presentation is the sensitive instrumentation and accompaniment by some of the best contemporary New York musicians. In concert the band with guitar and bass is easy otherwise occupied. Here, especially Brandon Seabrook convinced impressively with his extravagant style of play. It is a delight to see, we he goes on in the music and merges with the guitar and the banjo. A special guitarist of top class! Frank London on the keyboards and trumpet is humorous and innovative senses his magical musical game. London produces spherical sounds with deep voice, instrument and technique. Tine Kindermann sings sometimes together with the musician Lorin Sklamberg, sometimes letting the musical saw sound.

Every musician of the band is a virtuoso on his instrument. The selection of rather sad songs probably fits in cold winter evenings. But also in this wonderful summer evening it is managed to produce thoughtful, but also always cheerful feelings with the specificity of the interpretation. The songs are sad and hopeful, soothing and stimulating at the same time. Creates a new folk sound with catchy quality! The music is a single shamelessly beautiful”artistically valuable and experimental instrumental performance. The shameless beautiful”folk have lost their kitsch and have become a work of art, with well audible avant-garde trains. Through the special instrumental interpretations, the folk songs were new works of sound art! A concert that has delighted visitors and on this and perhaps soon new CD makes you want to BBs by Tine Kindermann! Vocals Thomas Moser Baird-press ( tour cast Tine Kindermann: and singing saw Frank London: harmonium and keyboard Lorin Sklamberg: accordion, keyboard, acoustic guitar and vocals, Brandon Seabrook: guitar, and acoustic Pablo Aslan: bass CD cast: shamelessly beautiful was recorded with a band, the is like a who of who of the New York downtown music scene reads: Marc Ribot and Greg Cohen on guitar and bass (Tom Waits band), Glenn Patscha (Ollabelle) on the keyboard, harpsichord, and harmonium, Lorin Sklamberg by the Klezmatics and Frank London, who produced the CD. Tine Kindermann, a German artist is at the heart of the production and Musician who is this program for the first time as a singer in appearance.