Moscow State University

For example, I made friends and friends with Friske. When I first came to the group, she took me under his "wing". -Have you changed . And tensions over why, not? On the part of most of Olga or group? – I did not replaced. She's gone before. And a few months the girls were three of us.

And I came to a vacant seat. Olya had no conflicts with the girls too. -How to smooth out conflicts? On your creative journey was a lot of them? – Global Conflict was never. I do not like them. All tried to find a common language. "You have chosen career, instead of studying? Do you regret not studied ourselves? – I finish my studies – graduated from Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, Faculty of choreography. In parallel career. I believe that education is also very important.

-You recently left the band, why did this happen? – Because I have long wanted to do a solo career. However, not knew how it should be. Then came the understanding and vision of my solo career, and I told the producers about his retirement. That was six months before I ended the contract. And I care not at all connected with a victory in "Dancing on ice ". I did not know that I will win. I went peacefully and quietly, without any conflicts. January 31 ended my contract, and January 1, I started working with producer Murat and songwriter Konstantin Arsenevym.