Washington Heights

Graffiti is happening and from the Greek word 'Graphein' meaning 'write', and from the Italian word 'Graffito' – 'scratch', and the history of this term brings us back to prehistoric man risuyuschemu on the wall of the cave. This phenomenon seems to have been caused by the human desire for communication – 'Graffiti is a passion for people to communicate. " Graffiti element was to change the look of streets in the late 20 th century, and the mention of the word conjures up a lot of people different images. 'Graffiti – it's art or vandalism? consequence of decline or its cause? '. Scope of attitudes towards graffiti is broad and controversial.

It should be noted that many writers refer to their work rather 'raytingom (letter)' than 'Graffiti'. Fast forward to New York early 1960, when the young Julio with 204 street (part of the city unknown), began writing his 'tag' (nickname; pseudonym) Julio 204 in the metro. By 1968, his tag had been signed by all parts of the city. But the phenomenon has found writing graffiti popularity when a young 17 year old Greek Demitrios from Washington Heights – Manhattan-area and put the tag 'Taki 183' around New York City, especially in the subway. In 1971 a reporter from 'New York Times' to learn the meaning of the message found Taki and took the interview. Article 'Taki 183 spawns pen pals' was the first of kind of articles devoted to graffiti. Over the next year and after the said article the phenomenon of self-expression through the youth of painting subway has increased to such an extent that it became a whole movement, and later it began to be called hip-hop graffiti.