Water Content

The composition of water Water is the source of life for everyone. And this is true because a man nearly seventy percent is from the same water. That’s why he needs it badly enough. But there is enough serious problem – the quality of tap water leaves much to be desired. In the summer holidays country house water supply is a very hot topic. Today, water is not the most clean and healthy fluid, and the matter is that there may be many reasons. But oddly enough, there is only one solution – installing water purification systems. Individual water treatment system includes a set of different filters, designed to purify the water of a certain type of pollution.

However, before you install and even choose this complex, you need to make sure what substances are contained in your water. As a rule, Many consumers determine that for some characteristic features and properties. However, the most efficient and effective way to solve this problem is to hold a special chemical analysis of water. Main types of pollution Many argue that one of the most serious problems is the high content in water of various substances or mechanical impurities. However, in reality this is not true. The fact that the biggest problem simply does not exist, since virtually all foreign substances have a negative impact on man and his equipment.

However, despite this high content of sand, sediment, rust, colloid and other mechanical parts should be given enough attention as a result of their presence can be abrasive wear and clogging of pipes, as well as various synthetic instruments. Although you should not write off from the accounts and the content of the liquid substances such as iron and manganese. They also have not a very good effect on the human body. Additionally, you must draw your attention to the fact that if the water contains too a lot of iron, it becomes an unpleasant aftertaste Today glandular water villas, cottages necessary because of the water continues to surprise us. In order to detect the presence of these substances in tap water produce its heating or defending. As a result of these processes, water becomes a yellow-brown hue.