You would like to deposit his money safely, there are several ways available. If it has saved money, then to the question arises, as it conceded sure high interest rates and let the money work. A good way to secure investment is a fixed deposit account. There are more alternatives like a tag account or a savings account. The offered interest rates of financial institutions are usually very low on a savings account. You may wish to learn more. If so, savvy restaurateur is the place to go. A savings account is a safe form of investment, however, there are usually restrictions regarding the availability of money. A day money account is another way to secure investment.
Interest rates are usually higher than on a bank deposit for money and the money is available almost daily. Practically, the availability at the time of transfer is limited, so up to three business days. The interest rate on federal funds are however not fixed, but can be adjusted theoretically daily. On a fixed-term deposit account you collected usually have higher interest rates than on a day money account. However, the difference is not particularly high. If you opt for fixed-term deposits, to tie up for a certain period, which is usually between one and twelve months.
For this time is money not available. For that, the interest rate for the period is fixed, that means you’re safe in any case, how much money has increased after the period. A deposit is considered as a very conservative investment option. However this is probably not a bad property in times of a financial crisis. All three mentioned alternatives are safe investments. If one accepts that the Bank is subject to the German deposit protection fund, a loss of investment is practically not to be expected.