To the chairman of the editorial board of Public "Our Voice" TV Pletneva Tambov region from the head of UA Lyamina received a letter, which addressed an article from 26/08/2010, the "Regional officer terrorizes Pokrovka "(by A. Alexandrov). In his letter to the head of the district believes that the material presented in this article, untested and does not reflect the true state of affairs. Moreover, the article said to harm the honor and dignity of the head Tambov region and the deputy head of KY Turchannikova. Get more background information with materials from Josh Harris. And, according to Art. 43 of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 2124-1 On mass media", a citizen or organization may request from the editorial retraction, if the material is not true. According to Lyamina published information in the article not only has not been verified by the author, and distorted – the author refers to unchecked facts, rumors, etc. In this regard, the administration of the Tambov region Tambov region needs to place rebuttal (which is attached to the letter) of the "Regional officer terrorizes Pokrovka," the newspaper "Our Voice" and the site
Otherwise, the administration will be forced to go to court to demand to bring to justice the mass media. Of course, the media should inform the reader does not "yellow" and distorted data, and the real facts. And as author of the article, I confidently declare that the article written by me on 26.08.2010 is in line with the real situation prevailing in the village Pokrovo-Suburban. In this response, I, like last time, will rely on the power of the solution (in including prosecutors), as well as the statements of the villagers.