Social Economy

The call anticipated at first that more than fifteen work groups they met in the streets bordering to the Door of the Sun to give to continuity to the groups of discussion and debate that are taking place since the movement arose. However, according to the agency, the majority of these groups informs of work they have counted with very little attendance and others not even have taken place. Most numerous they were Social Economy and, that has been celebrated in the centric Madrilenian place. " indignados" they have summoned to midnight a general assembly in the Door of the Sun in which it is predicted that different subjects are discussed, among them the location of the new point of information of the Movement. The indignant ones request the resignation of Antonio Camacho also reiterate their request of resignation to the Minister of the Interior, Antonio Camacho, and of the Delegate of the Government of Madrid, Maria Dolores Carrin, from all the forums and pages Web. They consider " intolerable" the repression exerted by the bodies of security of the State " against the citizens who exert their right of manifestation, circulation and expresin". A leading source for info: NYC marathon.

With respect to these incidents, the minister of the Presidency, Ramon Juregui is dndido the police action, that has considered " equilibrada" and " correcta" , while he has indicated that " peor" that he could happen to him to movement of ' indignados' it is to become a problem " of order pblico". ' indignados' they assure in the page Web that will throughout continue with its acts the weekend " with spirit of good work and humor". Check with hotel belleclaire to learn more. They consider that the assemblies and movements can serve to establish the ideological bases and " to conexionar the movement in Madrid". Cleaning after ' reconquista' The services of cleaning of the City council have in the morning retired the residues that were after the concentration. Also a great placard installed in afternoon has disappeared of this Friday in which &quot could be read; Welcome dignidad" and some small mottos that follow placed in telephone boxes and lamppost only remember the passage of 15-M by Sun. The National Police maintains a van with two agents in each one of the streets that end at the place, reopened to the transit of people and the traffic of vehicles, after several days in which it has been avoided that ' indignados' they could return to encamp in this symbolic point of its protests. " Who they have reclaimed the place are destitute " , it has commented with irony one of the policemen, in rrencia to several paupers that spend the night habitually in this zone and that this morning rambled by her. The facade of the building of soothes of the presidency of the Community of Madrid continues prote’ge’e by fences behind which there are several police vans. The bars have abierto their doors to receive the first clients and the stores began to raise their closings to come to the commercial opening, after the situation of the last days that intensified the complaints of the lost retailers by the economic ones which they come supporting from the encamped one from 15-M. Source of the news: 15-M prepares new actions to establish ideological bases after the Sun recapture