Sad quandary faces the historian: to study what it is inaccessible. Since he does not have access to the past, the historian the visit by means of some remnants that if esparramaram for the time: written documents, old photographs, maps, periodicals Beyond monuments, musics, elements of the culture, as clothes, parties the historical research does not become immediately, but mediated for documents. All and any documents, however, for more objective than are, do not pass of remnants of the past. It fits to the historian to join parts, looking for to them one meaning. to make this junction of the parts of the breaking head, the historian if bases on a method and on some element theoretical on which it will base its research and its interpretation.
Exactly thus and although this, the result will be always an interpretation and not passed it in itself exactly. Therefore history is not a rescue of the past, but one to look at that it is developed from the gift, with a specific methodology. It will be always an interpretation All the signals of the past, represented by documents, are not important by themselves, but because they represent aspects of some society, inside of a space and in a time definitive. Therefore it is that we speak in history of old Rome, of homrica Greece, Brazil colony, of pre-Columbian America. On the basis of this is that we can speak in history of Rondnia or of the city where we live.
When we speak in history, we are not in relating to the facts or the dates of history books, but to the proper life of the society that produced documents mentioned in the context studied or mentioned in the book. These facts portray some aspects of day-by-day or the social relations of the studied society. History, therefore will be the history of the relations human beings.