Love Is Different …

Love is given not for everyone. Someone endowed with love, and someone she bypassed. Why is this happening? The ability to love depends on the mother, that is laid with the birth of a child. Mom is nursing her child, stroking gently, looking love talking to him. The kid feels that peace, that is my mother loves him, then there arises love to the world.

And this child will be happier and talent in love. Of course there will still layering on the character rights. Decor, relationships with peers, experience friendship or lack of it. If the mother of the child to cry does not run to him, once again not to take him in my arms, or kiss it up to you, the child of love in relationships with other people will be cold, aloof. Yesterday a child becomes a loving, respected be respectful, is often rejected by the suffering of love cynic. We learn how to: read, write, cook, and learn to love – such a task before him and do not set. It would be someone to love, and then no problems. But it turns out, the ability to love involves a great deal.

One love is a desire to grow spiritually and physically, to give strength for life, another love is yearning, desperation forces him go. After all, love – it must be prepared to take risks. You fall in love, and partner threw you and it's very painful. But life goes on and we must once again live with a raised head and open heart. Love requires us to openness, but it's also a risk. You open the heart to your partner, you have the assurance that your honesty is not never turn against you. Falling in love, you give your life, your happiness in the hands of another. You begin to envy of his mood, decision-making. How often do we agree on the relationship? Can you love and remain master of his life, his happiness, that's what even matter? There are dangers of love: fallen out of love, in love with the wrong, not love. This risk leads to suffering. Are you ready to cope with them. There is love – I want you to be happy, I want to get what I want. And there is love – I want to give you what you make happy. Look there difference? Love – is respect for the beloved, tolerance, respect for his hobbies (fishing, theater, etc.), taking care of him. And all this from the heart. To live fully and be happy to learn to manage their feelings, if necessary push them, stimulate, and if necessary a mute, ban. It's not just sovladet their feelings, but in reality, and each person, if he is a man capable of it.