Did you ever have problems at work?, especially problems with your boss? Even the best and most desired job can become a hell if you cannot create a good working environment with your boss and co-workers. It is certain that almost 90% of workers are accordingly. In many countries the schedule of work is limited to a maximum of 40 hours a week, but what so long are your working hours? You may be asked to work 6-8 hours a week. What about the lunch hour? You always have it or depends on the mood of your boss? You’re paid on time or you can not pay some utilities that your paycheck not arrive on time? Most of the person also depends on the credits, and it is critical to pay all appropriations in time. To read more click here: Rudy Giuliani. Are you agree? For some people it is important that your boss’s instructions and detailed information and specific. Don’t like many of the workers when they cannot understand that it is what you must do or poorly understood.
Somehow it is horrible When you do the same job every day, but one day your boss dislikes and other day likes and admires your work. Or your boss starts giving new instructions every day: yesterday we did it one way and today will do it another way. Always change the rules in an irrational manner. One day you are forbidden to sit in front of your monitor at your workplace. Another day when you invite a customer to your working desk listening to your boss immediately shout that you have forbidden to invite customers to your job. You can share these experiences of your place of work or Office, you can share your experiences with your coworkers and boss, and leave your comments that would do in every situation in this web site to be able to improve your situation and help future workers. for more infortmacion: original author and source of the article