Minors under the age of fourteen to eighteen years of age commits a transaction with the written consent of their legal representatives – parents, adoptive parents or guardians. The deal, done in such a minor, is also valid for its subsequent written approval of his parents, adoptive parents or guardian. Minors under the age of fourteen to eighteen years has the right to own, without parental consent adoptive parents and caregiver: 1) to dispose of their earnings, scholarships and other income, 2) exercise the rights of the author’s works of science, literature or art, inventions, or other legally protected result of their intellectual activity, and 3) in accordance with the law to make deposits in credit institutions and to dispose of them, 4) to make small everyday transactions Upon reaching the age of sixteen juveniles are also entitled to be members cooperatives in accordance with the laws on cooperatives. Minors under the age of fourteen to eighteen years of age shall bear property liability for transactions. For the damage they are causing such Minors are liable under the Civil Code. When there are sufficient grounds for the court at the request of parents, adoptive parents or a guardian or guardianship authority may limit or deny minor under the age of fourteen to eighteen the right to independently dispose of his earnings, scholarships or other income, except when the minor purchased full legal capacity. A minor who has attained the age of sixteen, may be declared fully operational, if it works under an employment contract, including contract, or with the consent of parents, adoptive parents or trustee is engaged in entrepreneurial activity.