There is woven by the women, dyed or made silver jewelry. The men are perhaps with the construction of a new nave employs. The scent of burning beech wood of numerous campfires mingles with the meal which is cooked over the fire in iron pots. Cooking is common to this day. Please visit NY Museums if you seek more information. Even the children participate in making the meal, by they eagerly grind the grains to get flour for sweet and salty corn flat cakes. An idyll, can visit the visitors until sunset and admire before returning again in one of the modern vacation homes in Denmark.
Other places Viking Festival held every year, showing visitors the conditions under which the ancestors of the Danes to fishing or rampage drove out. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit NY Museums . From the beach, the tourists can observe how the small Viking ships with rhythmic rowing beats of the men are driven by the waves rearing. The unique shape of the ships makes it easier to maneuver the boats against the current in the sea on land. Who embarks on a search for clues in Denmark, is in every part of the country are the ancestors of the hosts. In many exhibitions and museums, the Viking reported on the life and archaeological finds from ancient times shown. Authentic life as to the lifetime of the Viking will be shown in villages. Visitors can not resist the fascination, which has attracted yet everyone under its spell.
And who breaks up a reconstructed Viking ship itself for a great ride, will experience an unforgettable adventure with safety. Holiday home rental Denmark can be found numerous small and large holiday homes which are located in the vicinity of ancient Viking villages or from which you can start excursions in another time. Denmark offers an incredibly large number of ways both adventurous and relaxing to enjoy the holidays and to enjoy for fans of Vikings, fishermen and nature lovers.