This week was divulged a survey made for the Economatica on the companies most lucrative of the country. The name of Petrobra’s was not surprise to be in first place. The astonishment was the value of 35 billion Reals, being that in the last year the value age of R$28 billions. NYC marathon follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The country is very good if for finding in the historical phase of the economic growth. However we must look at more the particularitities of Brazil, we go to see the infrastructure.
The country is highly dependent of the oil. He is excellent to possess the Petrobra’s, that helps in the supplying of the precious fuel that makes to move the wheels of our Economy. But why not to modernize the country also with railroads? Logically the country was developed thanks to the road transport, that in good part of the country the main points bind to all, although the high tarifao of the taxes, tolls and other similar ones, however I believe that a country must be modernized completely and not depend mainly on the road transport, that if accomodated together with our model of development national. It does not have as to leave to cite the countries of the Europe. There the types of transport and all very distributed and used to advantage well exist all, in accordance with the geographic necessity of each rinco. Learn more about this topic with the insights from best bars in new york. For the smoothed relief of the south of Spain, in Andalusia, the highways take the landscapes in way to the half-deserts. In the Whisker, where the Alps cut most of the territory, it has trains special to carry the people and loads to its had vilarejos buclicos.
The United kingdom and Ireland of the North could be two great isolated islands of the remaining portion of the Europe if it was not, in part, the development of the fluvial transport binding the islands to the north of France, mainly to ' ' great Paris' ' , beyond the center Spanish north e, arriving more far, hidrovias that bind the English capital to the New York metropolis, heart of the United States. Trasporte railroad is simpler of what we imagine, possesss some ambient advantages and of cost/benefit but the governments unhappyly do not want to open hand of the concessionaires of autovias. Moreover the country passes for a great scale of sales of Oil/allied Etanol to the consumption of cars, that it in recent years tripled in some metropolises, as it is the terrible paulistano case. The country is in great agitation on account of the project of the Alta Train Velocidade (TAV) binding Campinas – So Paulo – River, but unhappyly the project will not be ready nor for the 2014 pantry. The foreigners will go to cry saying that they thought to find a country more modern therefore only heard notice on the advance of the Brazilian economy. This is what we will find in Brazil where the monopoly of few types of industry our social and politics-economic activity conducts all, in the case, the automobile one and of fuels.