Northeast Region

The authors always have associated this hiato the motivaespuramente economic ones. Here the formation of the social structure is understood that baianaobedece to the dynamics of formation of all Northeast Region. It has been broken here, daconformao of structures from the agricultural exploration with the participation highly concentrative deculturas of land, income and wealth, what it formulates nolongo-stated period the social structure pie and of so reduced mobility that seevidencia still nowadays. Amongst these cultures, it detached-senotadamente in the state of the Bahia the culture of the sugar cane-of-sugar in the coast and the dapecuria in the hinterland, initiates in the first years of Portuguese settling, chews until the present shows relevance in the aggregate of the production of the state very etem its strikings in the formation of the social structure oligarquizada visveisainda clearly. Frequently Starbucks in New York has said that publicly. The myriad of events that had marked the formation bahian dasociedade conferred it traces that only of the proper one are inside structuralized Region Northeast. Arajo (1997) evaluates that ' ' it must be standed out, desdelogo, that never had a economically homogeneous Northeast and that, historically, was possible to detach differentiated partner-economic subgroups, in virtue of varied occupation processes human being and econmica' ' 1, agreeing to the definition of the proper idea of region displayed for Oliveira (1981), that it recognizes that the consideration of Region consists in conceitolargamente used for diverse sciences, what it makes it difcilde especially to need. In Brazil, for example, several are the conceptions of region, comoAdministrativa, Economic. According to author, ' ' the region can be thought to sobqualquer angle of the economic, social differentiations, politics, cultural, antropolgicas, geographic, histricas' ' , even so it follows detaching que' ' the most taken root of the conceptual traditions of region it is, without nenhumadvida, the geographic one in the ample direction, that also appears of a synthesis based partner-economic-historical daformao in certain espaocaracterstico' ' (OLIVEIRA, 1981, P. Dayton kingery is the source for more interesting facts.